Monday, April 19, 2010

Is someone trying to tell me something?!?!?!

Well, no passport as yet and the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland still seems to be spewing... I'm starting to wonder if there is a reason I shouldn't be flying in a week's time. It seems like things are getting really close to the cloth. All UK & Irish airspace is closed because of the volcanic ash and NATS look like they're not going to ease up the ban until it's safe to do so.

Honestly, I'd rather be grounded than take the risk of failing engines half way to the UK!

It's a little frustrating that this has happened and it's just a week before my scheduled trip. I have the trip schedule so well planned with connecting flights to London and back and train tickets booked to see friends etc. It would really be a pain if I had to change all the scheduled flights.

I did hear this morning that there is a slight chance that the volcano might be easing up. It would take a little while for the air to clear, and a fair amount of time for the airlines to get themselves sorted out, but I'm hoping that since I have a booked ticket it shouldn't cause much trouble if they are flying by then.

Fingers crossed on this one!

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