Friday, April 16, 2010


So, this week has been crazy busy but all in all, pretty uneventful.

My father-in-law had his foot surgery as planned on Monday, except everything was not as they expected so it was a little bigger of a surgery than they had hoped. His recovery time has increased from 2 weeks to 6 weeks - YIKES!

Get well soon Pops!

Humm, what else can I tell ya? Well, my passport saga is still ongoing. I called the embassy on Tuesday morning to see if it had arrived with the Monday batch, nope, it's not there. The lady suggested I go ahead and order the Emergency / Temporary passport. I was kind of frustrated that I had to pay more money just because their office in Dublin was on strike, but at least it would mean I could travel without changing flights etc. So, I sent off for that and am waiting for it to arrive. It should come in the next couple of days (hopefully).

Yesterday I took and passed my driving knowledge test. I need to get an Oregon drivers license so I thought I had better get on it. I have a little friendly bet with a friend of ours, Dave that I'll pass before him, so I'm hoping. I passed the knowledge test so I have that under my belt and just have to wait for the driven test. The earliest date I could get that would fit around my trip to the UK/Ireland was end of May.... I sure hope he doesn't beat me. He failed his knowledge test, and hasn't ever held a driving license..... fingers crossed guys!

After doing that at the DMV yesterday and bringing breakfast to my wonderful hubbie I headed to the Dr's and had my bloods drawn. Just a quick check up to see how my thyroid levels are doing before my trip.

I must say, now I've added the ctyomel to my daily meds I'm feeling miles better. It makes all the difference in the world. So, if you're having thyroid problems and are taking Synthroid (or generic) and just don't feel 'right' it might be worth considering getting a T3 supplement added to your meds.

Not much else to report I guess. The birds are still visiting us like their life depended on it. The grosbeaks every morning and their numbers are increasing rapidly! We still get the occasional crash into the house or window, I guess I can't really stop that.

The humming birds are still awesome. We have added another feeder too, so that brings us back up to three. They found that new one right away and instantly fell in love with it.
It's so much fun to watch them feed and it's interesting to see how territorial they get too about their "favourite" feeders... You get to see a real show sometimes.

Anyway, I guess I'll get off here and get some more of the things done that I'd like to before my trip. Not long now (if my passport would hurry up and get here that would be awesome).
I think tonight we're going to a friends house who is going to help us make a birthday gift for my parents, and we have a fun day planned for tomorrow.

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