Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello again...

Well, it seems that the past week and a bit have been pretty uneventful, and thus I haven't really had anything to blog about.

I guess I still don't really have anything to blog about, but after so many days thought I'd at least pop in and say a little hello.

I seem to have gotten used to the braces so far, and my lips have built up scar tissue to deal with the metal constantly rubbing on them. Sometimes my lip or tongue still catches on a sharp pokey bit and it hurts, but for the most part it's ok. The pressure on my teeth took longer to get used to, and it still aches at times, especially after (and during) eating. The front teeth are the only ones that still actually hurt, and I'm a little concerned about that since it's the site of the most recent bone graft. I can already tell that my teeth are starting to move, the gaps between the teeth (very noticeable at the front) are getting bigger as they all gently move into the space where the incisor was removed.

Cleaning my teeth has become quite the ordeal, I never realised it would be such a chore, but I'm hoping that I just get used to it and it becomes no big deal. It takes 15 minutes morning and night to clean my teeth, and then after every meal (or snack) I also have to give them a quick clean with the little 'christmas tree' type attachment that I carry in my purse and have several of. I hate the feeling of having food stuck in my teeth, it just grosses me out.

I've gotten used to talking with the braces there, and I guess I seem to lisp less... but I still don't like the way they look, even with my mouth closed I feel like they make me look weird, as you can see the way they make your lips stick up weird.

Anyway... Enough about the train tracks, I know I'm boring you already!

Other than that, life has been pretty quiet for us. We managed to switch our schedule for Christmas and changed our flights so we can spend more time in the UK with the family over the holidays. I am so looking forward to this and am excited to see everyone... it's been too long since I spent a Christmas with them!

I also saw my dr who said my T3 was a little high on the last blood test, so I dropped my cytomel down to half a pill in the morning instead of a full to see how it does... well, silly me I some how managed to cut them into quarters instead of halves, and take them for almost a week before realising.... no wonder I was exhausted all the time!

I guess that's it from me for now, will catch ya later :)

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