Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Autumn has arrived!

Well, it definitely feels like Autumn is here in full force... and I'm not complaining one little bit. I do like the sunnier fall type day, with the beautiful clouds and the wonderful sunsets but I really enjoy the cooler weather. It's mid to upper 60's here today and it's right about perfect for me!!!

The end of last week we spent canning apples into pie filling, which was really fun and very rewarding. We have quite a bit more to do so I think we'll probably make a start on those tonight. We didn't get any canning done over the weekend, but we had a good weekend so that's ok.

It was the Labor Day holiday here yesterday which I still don't really understand and should probably look up so I'm more in 'the know', but frankly, I don't think most people around here really 'celebrate' anything much on Labor Day, except that it's the long weekend before fall and before the kids go back to school etc!

On Saturday Cory had to work in the morning so I did some things around the house and in the afternoon/evening we had a party at our good friends, John & Janet's... they're our neighbours too, so it's really convenient for us. Several couples came over and we just had dinner and played some games at their place. Two of the couples brought their RV's so they could stay the night, and it was kind of a "bon voyage" get together for two of our friends who are going away for 6 weeks in their 5th wheel.... so it seemed fitting for people to bring their RV's. We played camping type games, boccee ball, horseshoes, some kind of bean bag throwing game and several other things. In good camping style we also built a campfire and roasted smores... Mmmmm....

Anyway, it was a lot of fun - they're great people and so much fun to hang out with!

Sunday after Church we headed to Salem to the State Fair. We met up with some friends there, did the usual fair repertoire which included lots of walking and eating foods that we wouldn't usually have. It was fun and we wrapped it up with dinner at Walerys Pizza - the best pizza joint I have EVER been to!

Yesterday, even though it was a holiday here in the US Cory went to work. Farming doesn't seem to care about the holiday schedule, and we mostly work around the weather/crop schedule instead. It was a dry day and we really needed to work on the clover, so he worked the best part of the day but got off a fair bit earlier than usual.

We had dinner with John & Janet again, yummy enchiladas made from the left over smoked turkey John cooked for the party on Saturday. They were fab! After that we hopped into the truck and took them up to the farm. They'd been up there before, for our wedding, but they hadn't seen much so we took them up to the hill where we'd like to build our house, down around the fields - thru to see the cattle and many other sights. It was a fun adventure and I really liked that we could take them up there. They're good friends of ours so that means they hear us talk about farm locations all the time, so it was nice to show them what we're talking about!

We got back and had desert, the apple crunch I'd made from Cory's Grandmothers cookbook. I'm trying to make each of the recipes at least once that I will include in the book I'm making, so I can make sure the instructions and ingredients/quantities are correct and suggest any alternatives with the recipe in the book.... it was really good... the only thing I changed was to add cinnamon and I'm glad I did... it was pretty close to perfect!

So, that's the long weekend in a nutshell... Today I had a Dr's appointment to get my blood results. Everything was good, except my T3 was a little elevated, approx 10%. So, all in all, not bad at all, nothing to be worried about. I'll just adjust my Cytomel pills slightly and re-test in a month and see how the bloods look.

This afternoon I nipped up to the farm with lunch for the men and after that I rode with Cory a little bit to do some things he needed to... It's always fun to see him mid day. I love my hubbie!

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