Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun 3-day weekend

So, with Cory being a farmer now it just so happens that sometimes days off for holidays have to be switched around, otherwise he'd never get any time off.... Well, the 4th July holiday is one of those days. Since Cory is almost certainly going to have to work next Monday he took yesterday off and we had a 3 day weekend. It was so much fun, and I really enjoyed having him home and getting time to hang out. I LOVE spending time together.
So, on Friday we just about finished the flooring at the rental house - which is a big relief because it had been looming over our heads like a humongous hail cloud and we needed to get the majority of it done. Also, they were having a party there on Sat, so we really wanted it to be looking good for them.

Saturday morning we made a trip to the dump - all the flooring from the rental house needed to be disposed of and it had been riding in the back of our truck for a little over a week - yuck!
After that we had plans to go up to hang out with our friend Aaron and some buddies for his birthday - we had to make an unexpected stop at Les Schwab due to a cling-on nail we picked up at the dump, but we got to watch the second half of the USA vs Ghana match on their TV while we waited so I didn't complain. Too bad the USA lost and were sent home.

So, we got back on the road and headed to meet Aaron. We were heading out on the boat for the day and we were looking forward to it. It was near perfect weather and we were in need of a relaxing day - it was exactly that. We got to meet some new people too, so that's always an added bonus. I like meeting new people.
After that we headed a friend's who is also Aaron's neighbour and had a BBQ there - I'd brought a birthday cake and some watermelon so I didn't feel too bad about showing up at their house for food. The one thing I completely hate is going to someones house empty handed.

The food was yummers! A great day all round!

Sunday at 7am was the England vs Germany match. I was so nervous. The history with us and the Germans in general is pretty bad, but in football it's so prickly that I could hardly contain myself. We needed to win, not only to progress to the next stage, but to prove a point that we still had what it took.
I was in church, working on the projection with the live stream on my phone sitting beside me on my desk. I was hardly able to contain myself. The Germans scored - NO!!!!!
Then we had a disallowed goal and I could just feel that it was all downhill from there.

The game ended just a few moments before Church started, the score was 4-1. Our boys were going home, we'd been well outplayed by the Germans, our tails were firmly between out legs.


After church we grabbed lunch and headed home to work on the yard - it needed a fair share of TLC!
We were still wrecked from the previous day on the boat so we snuck in a little afternoon nap too. It was a good afternoon!
Cory got sun burnt though, pretty badly on his back. All day Saturday he had kept applying the sunscreen while on the boat, but something about working in the yard without his shirt on he forgot and he was suffering. The aloe was soaking in almost instantly - I felt bad for him, I'd been there before... several times!

Yesterday we decided that we were going to have a chilled day too, so we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the coast. It was warm when we left town, but by the time we got to the beach it was chilly, grey and starting to drizzle. I kind of liked the break from the heat!
We did a little window shopping at the outlet mall, went to the beach and then hit up Mo's for an early dinner before heading home.
Oh, and on the way home we took a little detour and looked at Oregon's oldest covered bridge. It was originally built in 1914. It was pretty cool to have a look at and read the story of how it was saved and relocated. :)

After we got home we did a quick 2 hour whizz around our house and it looks clean as a whistle, it's amazing what you can do in so little time eh?

After that we chilled - watched some TV and had a relaxing evening.
All in all a great 3 day weekend...

Here's some pics:

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