Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh deer, Oh deer, Oh deer!

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote, but not that much has been happening with us. Cory is heavy into harvest season and that's keeping him (and in turn, me) busy. The cattle also got a bout of pinkeye too, which totally sucks, so on top of grass and wheat harvest they have to keep doctoring the cattle.

The deer have taken it upon themselves to also make sure I do not get bored... it all started one night a few weeks ago. About 4:30am I heard a clonking noise out in the garden (yard). It sounded a bit like a horse walking on concrete. I jumped up like a crazy person with insane reactions and ran out to the living room. There was a huge deer on our deck helping himself to our dogwood plant. Now, I can't really understand why he thought it was necessary to go up onto the deck, he could have eaten it from the ground since it's just a bush like thing.
Anyway, I've decided that perhaps it's their newly learnt talent and they plan to use it as much as possible!

The deer don't even get scared by me any more. I make big gestures, I'm loud & obnoxious and still they look at me with a duh face like they're saying "what's your problem lady?"
Well, yesterday I was up and getting ready to leave for a day out with my friend Janet. I come out of the bathroom to find 3 deer going hammer and tongs at the plants on our deck. The dogwood, strawberries and tomato plants!
So, I run out, yell at them and they look at me like I'm insane... they were less than 2 feet away.
I finally get them to run off and I go back to trying to get ready.
A few moments later they're back. One guy on the deck, the other two helping themselves to the bird seed trays -Grrr
I scare them away again, and then again and again and again!
I felt like I was never going to be able to get out the door!
Why couldn't they just eat the yummy grass on our lawn that we haven't gotten round to cutting yet for a while so it's nice and long?????

I tell ya, I was about ready to go and get a BB-gun and give them a sharp warning in their butts!

Anyway, I have a million things I need to do today so I had better get off here and do some of them! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ah ah ah! That's brilliant! Not for the plants but still...
    Any pics?
