Sunday, April 17, 2011

24-28 weeks

Well, a month has passed since I posted - I have no excuses, except for being pregnant... and along with that goes the 'pregnancy brain'. I never really knew if it existed or was just one of those myths created to make pregnant women feel better, but it's definitely very real, and it's definitely very apparent in our household these days!

Sometimes I just forget a few things that I was supposed to do, or appointments I had coming up... other days I can't string a comprehensive sentence together, but the worst is when I just can't get the right words to come out of my mouth. Simple math is a big no-no, and at times I just feel like a bit of an idiot - but hey, growing a person is hard work, it's gotta take a lot of brain & body power, so I guess I'll let it slide for now... I just hope my brain returns to 'normal' once baby is no longer chillin in my uterus!

Two weeks ago we went for another ultrasound up at St Vincents - it was so much more clear than the one we had at 20 weeks. It was amazing - our little baby actually looked like a baby on the screen. You could make out features of the face (and let me tell ya, it's a pretty cute face - sure, I'm biased, but who wouldn't be?!?), you can see everything so clearly. The most fun part about the ultrasound was seeing the bizarre position our little one was laying in. Baby was laying transverse, with head to my left side and spine along my pelvic bone.... which meant the butt was up against my right side. The fun part was that the legs were up and over reaching to the head - like he/she was doing a toe touch! At one point we were looking at the face and hand in a shot on the screen, then in popped two little feet - it made me laugh so hard! Baby is already like me - uh oh, what are we in for?

My belly at 25 weeks!
We were delighted to hear baby was happy and healthy and was in the 54th percentile for growth. They estimated that baby weighed 1 lb 14 ounces, and that was at 25 weeks. Sounds like a pretty good size to me! :)

The next two weeks really passed without much commotion - we made a big dent in working on the baby's room and it's really starting to come along. Now we have custom fit shelving up in a nook behind the door, the dresser is refinished and looks great in there (big thanks to our good friend Janet for refinishing it for us). We have an awesome mirror in there hanging above the dresser and we're starting to get things organized. Cory fitted a ceiling light and fan in there too which will be nice in the summer to move the air around, and since I'm such a shortie he even wired it in to a switch on the wall for me, so it would be easier to operate (especially one handed with a sleeping baby in the middle of the night).

Last Sunday the fun and games started though - it might be a little long winded, it probably needs a post of it's own....

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